Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Dynamics Of Sexual fidelity

Today i stumbled upon a really interesting article talking about sexuality and personality types between the two gender. The article takes a look at gender and promiscuity and gives some very interesting statistics about boys and girls with sexual relationships.
According to the article, men are more likely to cheat on partners, engage in infidelity with multiple partners,and engage in "sexual only" relationships. Women on the other hand were more likely to become emotionally involved with their affair partners. Men are more motivated by the desire for sexual variety and tend to pursue casual extrapair sex more than women.
what does this tell us? It certainly reinforces the stereotype that i have been researching, however the interesting part is the reasoning behind why men and women do this. according to the author, individuals who are highly narcissistic are more likely to cheat, and that men are more likely to be narcissistic.
They also put a lot of emphasis on biology. according to this article, heritable postnatal hormones factor in to their sex lives. According to the article, men who cheat on their wives tend to have higher levels of testosterone than men with lower levels of testosterone.
although i have yet to determine why this stereotype is the way it is, this article shows that boys tend to be more promisuis than women do for either biological reasons or personality traits.


  1. Emily- I really liked the research you did here. It certainly reinforces the stereotype that you are researching. Its very interesting to see the many reasons men and women may cheat. I had never thought narcissism would have anything to do with it. Good job!

  2. Emily - Narcissism is an interesting topic for this stereotype and it absolutely reinforces it. My friend had a boyfriend that was like this. He had multiply partners while he was with her and he completely open about it. She was so emotionally attached to him and couldn't understand why he would not commit. I wonder too if environment plays a role in developing this type of attitude? Great post Emily!

  3. I think it's interesting that women who cheat are more likely to have high levels of testosterone. This could mean that the high levels of testosterone causes the cheating, or it could mean that engaging in behaviors such as cheating can raise your levels of testosterone.

  4. I find this topic very interesting. The narcisistic thing makes sense, and I definitely wouldn't have thought of it off the top of my head for a reason why men or women would cheat. I also was not aware that more men than women are narcisitic. I wonder why it is that men can emotionally detach themselves from sex much more frequently and easily than women can? There must be some sort of genetic makeup behind it that would be worth looking into further.
